Description Specifications Literature Video Description The TSI Alnor® Velometer® Thermal Anemometer AVM410 is the ideal choice for a digital air velocity meter. The AVM410 measures both temperature and velocity, without compromising accuracy or precision.Troubleshooting HVAC system performance, commissioning, and plant maintenance are ideal applications for the AVM410 instrument. Included ItemsInstrumentHard carrying case4 alkaline batteriesOperation and service manuaNIST calibration certificate State of California Proposition 65 WARNINGCancer and Reproductive Harm - Product Specifications Velocity Range:0 to 4,000 ft/min (0 to 20 m/s) Accuracy:±5% of reading or ±5 ft/min (±0.025 m/s), whichever is greater Resolution:1 ft/min ( 0.01 m/s) Temperature Range:0 to 200°F (-18 to 93°C) Accuracy:±0.5°F (±0.3°C) Resolution:0.1°F (0.1°C) Literature & Docs Videos TSI Alnor Velocicalc Instrument Set up for a Duct Traverse | FLW, Inc Performing a Duct Traverse Using TSI Alnor VelociCalc | FLW, Inc. Accessories